Your Florida Water and Wastewater General Contractor

The Short Story
Lawrence Lee Construction Services, Inc. (LLCS) is a family owned and operated business headquartered in Martin County that specializes in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant work throughout the State of Florida. With over a decade of Water and Wastewater Treatment construction experience managing mid to large projects, the LLCS team brings professionalism and expertise to every project we manage. This expertise is complemented by its solid relationships with vendors and subcontractors who also specialize Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant work.
LLCS holds a Florida Certified General Contractors License and is backed by the largest Surety in the United State, Travelers. LLCS maintains all the stringent insurances to perform government work and has experience with Davis Bacon Wages, Certified Payroll and other M/WBE contractual requirements. LLCS is OSHA certified.
We are:
A Small Business Enterprise (SBE) business with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
A member of the Florida American Water Works Association (AWWA)
A member of the Florida Water Environmental Assocation (FWEA)

Main Office: 800 SE Lincoln Ave, Stuart, FL 34994
West Coast Office: 16101 Alico Rd, Fort Myers, FL 33913